Cheating Spouse Baseball Game

We’ve heard it from friends and loved ones: a loving wife, who has done everything ‘perfectly’ cannot understand why her husband has cheated. She feels she has done ‘everything’ right, considered her husband’s needs and placed them even before herself. Perhaps she gave up her career opportunities in order to support him and to care for the family. And truly, it IS hard to imagine why a husband would cheat on the perfect wife. This perfect wife may possess admirable characteristics that many in her life admire - including you. So why then do husbands cheat on the perfect wife?

Psychologists offer many answers to this question, some of which may surprise you. Here are just a few reasons why husbands may be unfaithful to a devoted spouse (hint: they have very little - if nothing- to do with the betrayed partner).

During the game, one of them wrote the husband a note telling him his wife was cheating. She urged him to look at the messages under Nancy and left her number offering photos if he wanted proof. Two sisters who were attending the Atlanta Braves vs. Los Angeles Dodgers baseball game on Wednesday night claim they helped expose a man’s cheating wife after they caught her sexting with another. Two women were taking in an Atlanta Braves game at Turner Field when the realized the married woman in front of them was up to some sneaky business. The woman was seated next to a man who was clearly her husband, but was sending texts throughout the whole game to someone named “Nancy”. On 6 September 1995, Baltimore Orioles infielder Cal Ripken, Jr. Broke a record long thought to be unassailable when he played in his 2,131st consecutive baseball game, surpassing the mark of. Two sisters claim they caught a stranger's cheating wife red-handed after witnessing a sexy text exchange at baseball game. Delana and Brynn Hinson, who attended the Atlanta Braves baseball game. Pete Rose betting scandal. Pete Rose, Major League Baseball's leader in all-time hits, bet on games and paid a hefty price: In 1989, he was banned from the league.

Lack of Maturity

Two sisters attending an Atlanta Braves game claim they helped expose that a man's wife, who was seated in front of them, was cheating on him. Delana and Brynn Hinson said they were at the Braves.

Lack of Maturity

The lack of prior relationship experience or the ability to understand consequences may lead some men (and women) to be unfaithful to their spouse. It is estimated that nearly 68 percent of men feel guilty after they’ve had an affair - maybe this stems from the inability to understand how hurtful a betrayal may be?

It’s important for a wife to understand that if her spouse strays due to a lack of maturity, it is his issue - not hers. When a man justifies cheating on his wife, it’s his own selfishness - and not the wife’s problems- allowing his conscience to make those decisions. Think of it like this: if a husband is not mature enough to realize how harmful his affair will be, than it’s unlikely he’s mature enough to appreciate a ‘perfect’ spouse in the first place.

Addiction / Self-Control Issues

Addiction / Self-Control Issues

Your partner’s underlying addiction and self-control issues could be the reason he cheated. Drugs, alcohol, and sex addictions are just some of the diseases that can ravage a relationship. Addicts will often struggle to make healthy decisions, sometimes even choosing to hurt those that love them in order to justify their isolation and continued self-harm.

There are many things the spouse of an addict should consider, such as if you are engaged in a co-dependent relationship that allows the addict to maintain their quality of life instead of getting help. You may have thought that you were helping your husband, even being a good wife, by assisting them in covering up their addiction. As tempting as it may be to provide this kind of assistance, it is usually not helpful in the long road to recovery.



In his article ‘Why Happy People Cheat’, marriage therapist Aaron Anderson advises that insecurity in one spouse leads to the need to have a bit of secrecy in the relationship, a behavior that can ultimately lead to infidelity. “In counseling, most spouses who cheat get to the point where they identify some sort of displeasure with themselves as the reason they cheated...Instead of embracing these insecurities and trying to fix them, they try to hide it,” says Anderson. He encourages couples to establish open and clear lines of communication, even about uncomfortable topics, to try and work through a spouse’s unfulfilled desires. This may be allow you to prevent cheating from entering your relationship, or even to help you understand why your partner was unfaithful after the fact.

If you think that insecurity is what drove your partner to have an affair, don’t automatically feel that your entire life has been false. Anderson claims that “It's a common misconception that spouses cheat because they're unhappy in their marriage. In fact, most of the time when couples sit on my couch, the person who had the affair says that they still love their spouse.” As hard as it may be to accept, personal unfulfillment is a root cause of some affairs, no matter how much a couple loves each other.

Anger or to Get Revenge

Anger or to Get Revenge

Sometimes, men cheat to get ‘even’ with their wife or to resolve some deep seated injustice they feel they’ve been served by their spouse. In these instances, they truly want their actions to be felt by their significant other, choosing behavior that is intentionally hurtful. While it’s natural for couples to have disagreements and problems that arise over time, some couples fall into unhealthy patterns of fighting. This can damage both spouses, but it isn’t exactly an excuse to cheat (is there really one?).

The hurtful act of infidelity, especially when the husband has tried to maximize the pain of the cheating on his wife, may be especially hard to heal. Family therapy and/or couples counseling may allow each spouse to talk to a neutral, listening, and supportive person. This can help heal a marriage. However, if the spouse who has betrayed you will not accept counseling and other corrective measures, and the idea of divorce is being tossed around, a visit with a family law attorney may be helpful. A divorce lawyer will consult with you and offer advice, and perhaps even allow you to think if ending your marriage is really what you want to do.

They’re Unhappy in the Relationship

They’re Unhappy in the Relationship

The thing is, even if your spouse has been unfaithful, it isn’t because they think there’s anything “wrong” with you. You may be perfect, but that doesn’t always guarantee happiness. Sometimes men will cheat on their wives to end their relationship, perhaps because they feel guilty being unhappy with someone who is a pretty wonderful person.

Unfortunately, some men may feel infidelity is the only way to end a relationship. “As a therapist, I find most of the reasons that cheating men use to justify their infidelity fascinating — because almost all of these reasons imply that cheating was the only logical solution to their relationship issues and other life problems,” says therapist Robert Weiss LCSW, CSAT-S. Weiss goes on to refute that cheating is actually a logical choice, offering up many other ways that a man can communicate his feelings “[without] minimizing, rationalizing, and justifying” their behavior.

No matter why your husband cheated, infidelity is a hurtful experience. It doesn’t always signify the end of a marriage, but it is a chance for a wife question if her quest for perfection betrayed her own best interests. Self-care, exploring new and old hobbies, and seeking fellowship with good friends are some ways that a woman can reclaim some of her identify outside of being the ‘perfect’ wife.

A pair of sisters attending the Braves-Dodgers game last Wednesday night took on the role of umpire, calling a woman sitting in front of them out.

For cheating on her husband!


Delana and Brynn Hinson have gone viral after sharing photos of the unnamed woman’s texts on Twitter, with Brynn writing as a caption:

'These hoes ain't loyal so we expose em.'

In the screen shots above, the wife’s supposed secret lover is listed as 'Nancy' in her phone, yet in at least one text she appears to refer to him as “Mark Allen.”

She also appears to be very into the dirty things he's writing.

'My love … Mark Allen I lov ... much...' one text, partially hidden by the woman's hand, reads, while another says:

'I will be the naked ... laying on the ground.'

The siblings say they slipped a note to the woman’s husband as he was leaving his seat, providing their phone number along with it and saying they had photos of the wife's damning message on their phone.

Cheating Spouse Baseball Game Online

The note read:

'Your wife is cheating on you. Look at the messages under Nancy! It's really a man named Mark Allen.'

Cheating Spouse Baseball Game Full

'We handed it to him as they were walking away.. She was in front of him.. He quit walking & gave us a thumbs up,' said Delana of the note passing.

Cheating Spouse Baseball Games

She adds that the husband did later text and ask for a picture of his wife's inappropriate sexting.