- Counter Strike Condition Zero Cheats Pc Game Download
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- Counter Strike Condition Zero Cheats Pc Game Codes
- Computer Games Counter Strike
- Access the console by pressing ' and enter the following codes. If the cheat has a value of 0, change it to 1 to enable it. If it has 1, change it to 0 to disable it. Glspriteblend 0 - Enables.
- Dec 16, 2010 Cheats and Tips for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Home PC Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Last Updated: Dec 16th 2010. We have several cheats including how to jump higher, how to go through walls, unlimited decal spraying, blood thickening and getting a headshot every time you kill an opponent.
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type 'sv_cheats 1', then 'restart' to enable cheat mode. When the mission restarts, press ~ again, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | god |
Get some weapons | impulse 101 |
Flight mode | fly |
Free movement | noclip |
Enemies cannot see you | notarget |
Spawn indicated item | give [name] |
List maps | maps * |
Kill all bots | bot_kill |
Restart map with goals intact | restart |
Change map | changelevel [map name] |
Restart round | sv_restart 1 or sv_restartround 1 |
We currently don't have any Counter Strike: Condition Zero trainers, cheats or editors for PC. Premium members may REQUEST new trainers and cheats using our request system as long as the game has not been permanently retired or multiplayer only in nature. Ask about Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Discuss your gaming experiences. Share your friend codes / gamer tag. Find friends to play with. For general chat and discussions not related to Counter-Strike: Condition Zero you can try our General Discussion Boards ©.
Item namesUse one of the following values with the 'give [name]' code to spawn the indicated item:
- weapon_ak47
- weapon_aug
- weapon_awp
- weapon_deagle
- weapon_elite
- weapon_famas
- weapon_fiveseven
- weapon_g3sg1
- weapon_glock18
- weapon_m3
- weapon_m4a1
- weapon_mac10
- weapon_mp5navy
- weapon_p228
- weapon_p90
- weapon_scout
- weapon_sg550
- weapon_sg552
- weapon_tmp
- weapon_ump45
- weapon_usp
- weapon_xm1014
Counter Strike Condition Zero Cheats Pc Game Download
Game Cheats:
If you feel like committing an unpatriotic suicide just shoot at the U.S. Flag which is on top of the embassy in the deleted scenes level called Alamo and your character will instantly die.
Console Commands
Press the ` key to access the console to enter the following codes for the corresponding effect.
Enable Cheats:
Sv_cheats 1
Go through Walls:
Only buy Snipers:
Bot_sniper_only bots
Only use Knives:
Bot_knives_only 1 Bots
Enables you to Fly:
Invisible to Enemies:
Bots go to Specific Places:
Bot_goto_mark #number
Makes the Bot's stand still:
Bot_stop 1
Bots become Zombies:
Bot_zombie 1
Set Bot's Difficulty Level:
Bots only buy Pistols:

Dissables Rogue Bots and they follow your commands:
Bot_allow_rogues 0
Kill ALL bots allowing you to win if the bomb is not planted:
Freezes time for the set ammount, the player can still walk around. mp_freeztime
Sets the Gravity. Lower #'s allows you to float more and high numbers you take more damage from falling. sv_gravity
See Full List On Cheatcc.com
The Bots will not wait for you to rescue hostages, plant or defuse the bomb.
Bot_defer_to_human 0
Get the highest ammount of Money available:
Mp_startmoney 16000
To Restart the Map without losing any goals:
Bring down the ALL Deleted Scenes:
Cl_levellocks 16382
Easy win:
If you want to win any match ,it is very easy.
1. Press` button.
2. Now write bot_knives only
Thus all computer player of counter-terrorist and terrorist will only fight with knvies.
caution:-You need to press ` as soon as game starts.
Miloys cheats:
Use one of the following values with the 'give [name]' code to spawn the indicated item:
Bot_no weapon:
The bots have no weapons and knife
Get a 'headshot' every time you kill an opponent:
What it does is to give you almost every shot a 'headshot'. Just simply type the code 'cl_dynamiccrosshair 99999' or anything higher. This will guarantee you almost all your shots will end up in a 'headshot'.
Enables Autoteambalance and Autokick:
These codes are both turned off by default. To turn them on, type 'mp_autoteambalance 1' for enabling autoteambalance. 'mp_autokick 1' for enabling autokick. You must first access the console by pressing '~' and type the codes to enable them.
Go through walls:
Firstly, before attempting to know a code of this, type in your console 'sv_cheats 1' by pressing '~' on your keyboard. Then after typing it, type 'noclip'. This will allow you to go through walls.
Enables Death Notices:
What this does is to show people who kill their enemies and it lasts until the game is over. Just simply change 'hud_deathnoticetime 6' to 'hud_deathnoticetime #'. The '#' must be replaced with a number higher than 100 preferably 9999. The value after 'hud_deathnoticetime' is the number of seconds to display death notices.
Enables Unlimited Decal Spraying:
'Decal Spraying' is where you spray your decal logo onto a wall, ground etc. There is actually a limit imposed on this and in each round, you can spray once. But you can change the value to make it unlimited spraying in just one round. To do this, just change 'decalfrequency 30' to 'decalfrequency 0'.
However, abusing the decal spraying results in some of your decal logos to be banish after some time.
Counter Strike Condition Zero Cheats Pc Game Codes
Blood Thickening:
First, press '`' to access your console. Then type in 'gl_spriteblend 0'. This command lets you thicken your crosshair and at the same time thickens blood that comes out!