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Get the latest Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 4 (PS4). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Note: This code requires a game pad. At the starting menu, hold Button 5 + Button 6 + Button 7 + Button 8 + D-pad Up/Left + Left Analog-stick Down/Right until 'Devil May Cry' is spoken to unlock all bonus modes, alternate costumes, and gallery entries. Devil may cry 4 mega trainer 1.1 (dx9) Super Jump, Always Allow Devil Trigger (even in missions where not allowed), Instant Devil Trigger, Enhanced Punches/Gun/Stars, Unlock Dante's Dark Slayer Mode (hidden ability), Slow Motion Enemies, Auto-Open Portals (on Sudden Death stages), Super Speed, Unlimited Health, 99999 Red Orbs, 99 Gold Orbs, 99 Holy Water, 99 Vital Stars, 99999 Skill Points. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Is it possible to cheat on Devil May Cry 4 on PC? I hate the skill learning principle of this game. I would like to start the game with all skills. Is there a cheat code to do that? Download cheats for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition Trainer +20 v - the site has collected a huge amount of cheats for all games. Get the latest cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, and walkthroughs for Devil May Cry 4 on PC. Devil May Cry 4. The hack is back. Dive back into Dante's demon-hunting quest with Devil May Cry 4. Platforms iOS, PC, PS3, Xbox 360; Release Date Feb. 8, 2008; Developer Capcom.
Granny scary game cheats. The sounds in the game are petrifying, and this can scare you from the very start. The game is executed in a peculiar style, which is very gloomy and has no optimism in it. Your main goal is to find the desired exit, and this can be really difficult, but with hack and cheats its will be possible. There are a couple of things you need to know.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 4 cheats we have available for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition. Epic games anti cheat download.
This will give you more than just the educational content hence making the process of learning math more interesting to the student.The premium only features are:. Catch all 100+ pets. Prodigy game cheats.
We have no tips for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no cheats or codes for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no unlockables for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
About Our Kryss Cheat Tool Kryss is a new multiplayer crossword-style game that takes a new spin on things. Instead of a normal crossword game that gives you hints and you aim to fill out the whole board, this game pits you against your friends to see who can fill. Word off game cheat. A Word Scramble Solver is a simple tool for solving Word Scramble games by unscrambling letters & words. Which will help you in many word games, such as, Scrabble ®, Words With Friends, Daily Jumble & more. Word scramble solvers are designed to be easy. Words with Friends Cheat is a tool that helps you find words and answers for the famous Zynga game. It generates all possible words from the inputted letters so that you can pick the highest-scoring ones. Easy, intuitive, and free to use when you need to make words from letters or boost your game. What is Words with Friends - The Complete Guide. List of game cheats for the most popular word games and letter puzzles. Unscramble, rearrange and discover playable words instantly. Always free to use.
We have no easter eggs for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no guides or FAQs for Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Trophy List
A Cut Above | Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode with an S ranking. | Bronze |
A Stunning Feat | Clear all missions in Son of Sparda Mode with an S ranking. | Bronze |
A Throne of Glory | Clear all game modes. | Gold |
All Bow Before You | Clear all missions in Dante Must Die Mode. | Bronze |
Bad Seed | Defeat Echidna with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Bazooka Babe | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Lady. | Bronze |
Bring It On! | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Nero. | Bronze |
Deadly Pair | Clear the game with Lady and Trish. | Bronze |
Devil In A Blue Coat | Clear the game with Vergil. | Bronze |
Devils Never Cry | Acquire all trophies. | Platinum |
Done and Done | Clear all missions in Devil Hunter Mode. | Bronze |
Down A Notch | Defeat Dante with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Easy Does It | Clear all missions in Human Mode. | Bronze |
False Prophet | Defeat The Savior with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Filled With Light | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Trish. | Bronze |
Flame Out | Defeat Berial with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
For Science! | Defeat Angelo Agnus with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Furiously Fast | Clear the Bloody Palace in Turbo Mode. | Bronze |
Hardly A Simple Task | Clear all missions in Son of Sparda Mode. | Bronze |
House Of Pain | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with all characters. | Gold |
I Am Legendary | Clear all missions in Legendary Dark Knight Mode with an S Ranking. | Silver |
I Live For This | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Dante. | Bronze |
King of the Palace | Clear all Bloody Palace Mode stages with an S ranking. | Gold |
Leap Frog | Defeat Bael or Dagon with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Legendary Devil Hunter | Defeat 10,000 enemies. | Silver |
Might Makes Right | Clear all Bloody Palace stages with Vergil. | Bronze |
Never Say Die | Clear all missions in Dante Must Die Mode with an S ranking. | Silver |
Nothing Left Unsaid | Clear all secret missions. | Bronze |
One Winged Devil | Defeat Angelo Credo with an SSS ranking in Son of Sparda Mode or higher. | Bronze |
Rookie Devil Hunter | Defeat 100 enemies. | Bronze |
Ruthless Efficiency | Clear the Bloody Palace within 2 hours. | Silver |
Skill Collector - Dante | Acquire all of Dante's skills. | Silver |
Skill Collector - Nero | Acquire all of Nero's skills. | Silver |
Skilled Devil Hunter | Defeat 1,000 enemies. | Bronze |
Smokin' Sick Style!!! | Complete a Stylish Rank SSS (Smokin' Sick Style!!!) combo. | Bronze |
Smokin' Style!! | Complete a Stylish Rank SS (Smokin' Style!!) combo. | Bronze |
Smokin'! | Complete a Stylish Rank S (Smokin'!) combo. | Bronze |
Step into the Light | Clear all missions in Heaven or Hell Mode. | Bronze |
The Best of the Rest | Clear all missions in Human Mode with an S ranking. | Bronze |
Tonight, We Dine in Hell | Clear all missions in Hell and Hell Mode. | Bronze |
Untouchable | Defeat Dante in the Bloody Palace without taking any damage. | Gold |
What Legends Are Made Of | Clear all missions in Legendary Dark Knight Mode. | Bronze |
Wrath Of The Raging Demon Hunter | Defeat 10 enemies within 1 second. | Bronze |
Accomplishment | How to unlock |
Alternate ending sequence
Artwork | How to unlock |
Bloody Palace
Control the Camera During Cutscenes
Dante must Die and Heaven or Hell mode
Dark Slayer style
Defeating Berial
Defeating Blitzes
Charge a shot.
Go into Devil Trigger.
Release the shot, maybe a few more.
Turn off Devil trigger, and repeat.
Devil May Cry 4 Cheats
This will quickly give you Super Smokin Stylish before he has even dropped his shield. This will work even with a level 1 Charge Shot, and should be much easier if you have level 3. Once his shield his gone, use Devil Trigger again, and use the Devil Bringer to devastate him. Three throws should be enough to send him into 'red mode'. Once he goes red he will try to grab you and suicide himself to seriously drain your life, or kill you. Shoot normal shots at him to get more Smokin Stylish points at this point, and finish him off handily.
Use the following trick to defeat a Blitz as Dante. Use Royal Guard style along with the Gilgamesh gauntlets. While the Blitz is in his yellow 'electricity shielded' state, get close to him and press [Melee] + [Style] repeatedly and quickly. You will be performing a punch and canceling it with a Royal Block very quickly. Think of the [Style] move as the attack. Try to constantly use [Melee] + [Style] repeatedly. You will raise the letter grade of your style meter with each hit, and quickly lower the electric shielding. You are basically hitting the shield yourself, then blocking that hit so fast that you cannot see it happen. Again, just press [Melee] + [Style] at the same time. This may be somewhat tricky at first, but eventually becomes easy. Once his shield is lowered, quickly switch to swordmaster style. Use Real Impact uppercut with the Gilgamesh gauntlets at least twice. Throw in a Kick 13 if time permits, and/or a Shocking. He will go into his overdriven 'Red Mode'. Quickly switch to Lucifer and perform Bondage. If done correctly you should finish him off and get a huge stylish ranking out of one Blitz.
Defeating Dante
Defeating Demonic Bosses
Defeating Sanctus
Defeating Sparda
Dice Game Exploit
Free health from Faults
Hell And Hell mode
Legendary Dark Knight and Son of Sparda
Mission 3: Easy Orbs
Mission 7: Easy orbs
Devil May Cry 4 Game
Quasi-Secret Launch Jump
Sanctus' Shield
Super Dante costume
Super Nero costume
Get exclusive Devil May Cry 4 trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens
Devil May Cry 1 Pc
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