- Game Cheats 1337 Star Trek Alien Domain
- Star Trek Online Xbox One Walkthrough
- Star Trek Fleet Command Game Cheats
- Star Trek Timeline Game Cheats
- Understand all of its aspects with this Star Trek Fleet Command guide available with tips, cheats & strategies for beginners Star Trek Fleet Command guide and tips: – This Star Trek Fleet Command covers “how to play” basics, about the ships, buildings, upgrades, and other things such as attacking, mining, parts, blueprints, and more.
- Start the game with the '-TestMode' command line parameter.To do this go under the properties of your Star Trek: Bridge Commander desktop icon (right click on the Star Trek: Bridge Commander icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C: Program Files Star Trek Bridge Commander bc.exe' -TestMode' or something similar.
Star Trek Cheats Welcome to our collection of Star Trek, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for X360. Visit our dedicated Star Trek message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Star Trek cheats to be posted.
Game Cheats 1337 Star Trek Alien Domain
Successfully complete the game, then load the cleared saved game. When you purchase three Sovereign class ships, the U.S.S. Legacy will be the final ship.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Starfleet Academy Graduate (25 points): Complete the Tutorial Mission.
- Captain Archer Award (50 points): Complete all missions in the Enterprise era.
- Admiral Kirk Award (50 points): Complete all missions in the TOS era.
- Starfleet Ensign (50 points): Complete the single player campaign on 'Ensign' difficulty.
- Starfleet Captain (75 points): Complete the single player campaign on 'Captain' difficulty.
- Starfleet Admiral (100 points): Complete the single player campaign on 'Admiral' difficulty.
- T'Pol Award (30 points): Complete the Enterprise era without losing a single ship.
- Spock Award (35 points): Complete the Original Series era without losing a single ship.
- Riker Award (40 points): Complete the Next Generation era without losing a single ship.
- Guardian of Epsilon Theta (20 points): Protect all the medical ships in 'Be My Shepherd'.
- Protector of Encaria (20 points): Keep the poisonous spore count low during 'Poisoned Well'.
- Tyburn Shockwave (20 points): During 'Stirring the Hive', knockout as many of the enemy fleet as you can in one blow...
- Lone Wolf of Makus (20 points): Complete mission objectives in 'The Squeeze' without the aid of starbases.
- Liberator of Makus (20 points): Secure all enemy strongholds in 'The Squeeze'.
- Pacifist of Makus (20 points): Complete 'The Squeeze' without spilling any blood...
- Agile Predator (20 points): Complete 'Behind Enemy lines' unscathed...
- Brazen Warrior (20 points): Never hide from your enemy in 'Behind Enemy Lines'.
- Hero of Kathra (20 points): Don't allow your allies to perish in 'FireStorm'.
- Scourge of Kathra (20 points): Roll like a wave of destruction through the Kathra system...
- Champion of the Fleet (20 points): All allies must survive in 'At the Gates'.
- Spirit of Kahless (20 points): Strike only at the heart of the enemy in 'Omega'.
- Custodian of Phidian (20 points): Save the sensor relays in 'Revelations'.
- Guerilla In The Mist (20 points): Spill no blood in 'Ambush'.
- Sword of Aurelia (20 points): Take a swing at the bully in 'Anger and Mercy'...
- Savior of Aurelia (20 points): Protect your ward in 'Anger and Mercy'.
- Allied Commander (20 points): Be a team player in 'Generals'.
- Autonomous Operator (20 points): Complete the final mission without the use of support craft.
- Antique Collector (20 points): Start a mission in the Next Generation era with a fleet containing a Enterprise era ship.
- Chain Reaction (20 points): Deliver the killing blow to more than one ship with a single torpedo.
- Legacy Captain (20 points): Unlock the USS Legacy.
- Glorious Victor (20 points): Test your mettle in battle against opponents.
- Keeper of Gre'thor (25 points): Send 10 Klingon vessels to Sto'Vo'Kor in one online match.
- Avenger of Surak (25 points): Destroy 10 Romulan ships in one online battle.
- Resistance Was Useful (25 points): Eradicate 10 Borg ships in a single online match.
- The Wrath Of Khan (25 points): Destroy 10 Federation ships in a single online battle.
- Anonymous Red-Shirt Award (5 points): Be the first to go down in a 4 fleet multi-player game.
- Name: Star Trek Timelines Hack
- Type: Cheat Codes
- Download required: NO
- OS: Android and iOS
Star Trek Timelines game belongs to the category of strategy. This is a sci-fi game on the Martin universe. The first game in the world which includes ships and characters from a new series of the star path. The game has elements of action and role-playing games. The game is intended for fans of the series 'Star Wars'. Who has not watched this series or is not his fan, can also play. Many events in the game are connected with the series, so it's more interesting to play when you've already watched the movie and you know what awaits you. Take the time and before you start playing a fantastic game, watch the series.
And you could get a lot more fun with this game if you had unlimited resources, such as Dilithium. Am I wrong? Just imagine it. And you can achieve this if you use the Star Trek Timelines Hack. Interested? Ok, then that's all Cheats, which we have to hack Star Trek Timelines.
In fact, this can not even be called 'Hacking', since these cheats are completely legal, and they are used to enable developers to test the game, but fortunately in many cases we manage to get these cheat codes.
At the beginning Star Trek Timelines Cheats game you need to build a team for your spaceship. Each member of the crew will be on the team with their characteristics. When choosing a team, pay attention to each member to know about training them and abilities. For example Picard can well prove himself in the battle and victory is assured to you, and Spock will be useful in the negotiations and this will also be your team's victory.
By the way, those Cheats for Star Trek Timelines, about which we wrote above, you can use and absolutely do not worry about the fact that you can be banned, because they are not prohibited in any way. And more interestingly - do you represented a situation in which you have Dilithium in any amount in the hacked Star Trek Timelines. You can collect a team from hundreds of favorite characters. Your team will be just as you wish. This is a good game, that you make the choice yourself, and not the developers did it for you.
Star Trek Timelines Hack is carried out by means of these Cheats:
Do you want to get unlimited Dilithium? And if you do, you can use this Hack Code 'GGi-f36c9b99a2'
Star Trek Online Xbox One Walkthrough
If you don't know how to enter Cheat Codes in Star Trek Timelines, you will read about it below.
If you want to get more Star Trek Timelines Cheats, then share this page in one of the social networks:
In the game hack Star Trek Timelines you can take part in battles of three-dimensional space. It looks very impressive. The game will be able to receive rare awards with special missions.
As for the game Star Trek Timelines, cheats for Dilithium and everything else is very easy to use.
Moreover, it can be said the coolest way to hack Star Trek Timelines, because in order to do this you do not need to do anything else except enter the Cheat Codes into the game.
And if you've heard of such a thing as Root or Jailbreak, you need not become involved in any of the details, because this Star Trek Timelines Hack works even without them.
Star Trek Fleet Command Game Cheats

At times, you will make decisions on how best to deal with the problems that arise. There will be situations in which you will have to fight in battle against your enemies with your ship and otherwise it will not be possible to solve the situation. To survive for these battles is not worth it, because they are almost automatic and you have only a decision on what methods to use for victory and when.
Star Trek Timelines Hack game give you the opportunity to explore the galaxy. See and enjoy a variety of 3D ships. All this complements the stunning graphics. Forward to conquer new horizons of the galaxy. This game is simple to embody your ideas and decisions in terms of victories and fights with enemies. Since the game is sci-fi, you can still learn something new and interesting for yourself. In the game itself there is also paid content and there is a display of advertising. The game is in English, so you need to have a good command of it. Download the game and start defeating your enemies.
How to enter Cheat Codes in Star Trek Timelines?
Star Trek Timeline Game Cheats
To answer this question, we created a video guide where everything is described in detail - video guide. This is the official site of cheats for mobile games, and only on this site you can learn how to enter Cheats in Star Trek Timelines.