Helpful Hints –Choose your construction carefully, you will be penalized if you disrupt it prior to completion. –Click on a system directly from the galaxy map to see details about it. The Space Mutants for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win.
If you have any cheats or tips for Ascent: The Space Game please send them in here.You can also ask your question on our Ascent: The Space Game Questions & Answers page. Trainers and cheat codes for this game Trainers for Space Crew are small, downloadable programs that add functionalities to the game, mainly with the aim of cheating. These functionalities are not available in other ways. Access Cheat Menu, access maniacal skill level and invincibility in classic mode When you first turn on the game, at the screen where it says SPACE INVADERS please press start, enter one of the.
In our complete cheat collection you will find all cheats for the basic game as well as all Expansions of The Sims 4. Cheatlists marked with a blue bar can be opened by clicking on the bar. Longer lists are initially collapsed for better readability. For complete views of the tables on mobile devices please swipe to the left. Unlike other cheats, there must be a space between 'rename' and 'planet', but works with or without quotation marks around the new name. You cannot rename saved games. Rename star new name - Changes the name of the selected star. Unlike other cheats, there must be a space.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
- Accomplished space runner: Make all deliveries.
- Armaggeddon: Destroy 10 ennemies or constructions in one activation of the fire rain ability.
- Armed to the teeth: Get 10 weapons built on your ship.
- Boom !: Destroy 10 enemy ships.
- Budding delivery boy: Make your first delivery.
- Building frenzy: Build 5 construction in 5 seconds.
- Engineering expert: Buy all engineering's modules and upgrades.
- F**K me I'm famous !: Get 150 reputation points.
- False friends: Turn 5 pirates into allies in one activation of the IFF jammer ability.
- Fast & Safe !: Get 5 reputation points at the end of a delivery.
- Faster than light !: Reach 1000 thrust power during a delivery.
- Fatality !: Destroy a boading ship with the death ray ability.
- Fire at will !: Destroy 'The Eye' of Captain Black in less than 60 seconds.
- Hyperactive: Make a delivery for each freight company.
- I am the boss !: Destroy a boarding ship.
- Mind your backs !: Destroy 5 ennemies or constructions in one activation of the burn ability.
- Never tell me the odds !: Use hyperspace ability during the delivery 'Asteroids on steroids'.
- Overzealous: Bring back 150% cargos or more in a BC delivery.
- Perfectionist: Buy the three upgrades of a module.
- Recharge your batteries !: Buy a power generator.
- Refurbishing: Repair 1000 hit points in one activation of the mass repair ability.
- Salvage man: Recycle 5 constructions during a delivery.
- Slow and steady ...: Use the tactical break ability 2 times during a delivery.
- Space corsair: Destroy 200 pirates during the delivery 'Bloody swarm'.
- Space raider: Loot 50 000 hexnuts.
- Space tourism: Meet Brandon Richards.
- The best form of defense ...: Buy all offensive modules.
- The Love Boat: Destroy 25 ennemy ships during the delivery 'Astral journey'.
- They have asked for it ...: Destroy 2 ennemy ships with a single nuke.
- Waste truck: Bring back 10 alien toys in the delivery 'Chaotic run'.
While playing the game, press [Tab] and enter one of the following codes, depending on the current character being controlled and situation. The first part of the code is always 'set plyr.ds9_'. The next part of the code is your current character, either 'sisko' with 'kira' or 'worf'. The next part of the code is 'eva' and is only used when character is wearing a space suit. The final part of the code is [Space] followed by the actual code for each cheat effect, such as 'health 999'. For example, to give Sisko while in a space suit infinite health, the complete code would be 'set plyr.ds9_siskoeva health 9999'. The same code without a space suit is set 'plyr.ds9_sisko health 9999'. Note: Major Kira also has a third variation ('kira', 'kiraeva', or 'kiracard'). Try all versions to find out which is effective in your current level.
Result | Cheat Code |
Infinite health | health 9999 |
Longer energy beacon | flashlight charge 9999 |
More speed | groundspeed 800 |
Increased jump height | jumpz 1000 |
The following codes do not require the 'set plyr.ds9_', character name, or 'eva' parts. Simply press [Tab] while playing the game and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Save game immediately | savegame |
Quit game immediately | exit |
While playing the game, press [Tab] or ~, then enter 'panacea' to enable cheat mode. Press [Tab] or ~ while playing the game and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
The Space Game Cheats Fortnite
Result | Cheat Code |
God mode | god |
Full ammunition | allammo |
Flight mode | fly |
No clipping mode | ghost |
Disable flight and no clipping | walk |
Kill all enemies in current level | killpawns |
Level skip | skiplevel |
Level select | open [map name] |

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'ds9.ini file' file in the 'system' folder. Find the 'LocalMap=title.dsm' entry and replace 'title.dsm' with one of the following values. Saved the file and start the game to automatically start at the selected level without first going to the main menu. After the level loads, press [Esc] to return to the main menu if required. Note: These entries can also be used with the 'open [map name]' code.
- M01_KiraL1A.dsm
- M01_KiraL2.dsm
- M01_KiraL1B.dsm
- M01_SiskoL1B.dsm
- M01_SiskoL1A.dsm
- M01_WorfL1.dsm
- M03_KiraL2.dsm
- M03_KiraL1B.dsm
- M03_KiraL1A.dsm
- M03_SiskoL2.dsm
- M03_SiskoL1A.dsm
- M03_SiskoL1B.dsm
- M03_WorfL2.dsm
- M03_WorfL1.dsm
- M04_KiraL1.dsm
- M04_SiskoL1.dsm
- M04_WorfL1b.dsm
- M04_WorfL1a.dsm
- M05_KiraL1.dsm
- M05_SiskoL1b.dsm
- M05_SiskoL2.dsm
- M05_Siskol1a.dsm
- M05_WorfL1.dsm
- M05_WorfL2.dsm
- M06_SiskoL1B.dsm
- M06_SiskoL1A.dsm
- M06_SiskoL1C.dsm
- M06_WorfL1B.dsm
- M06_WorfL1A.dsm
- M06_WorfL1C.dsm
- M07_KiraL2.dsm
- M07_KiraL1.dsm
- M07_SiskoL1A.dsm
- M07_SiskoL3A.dsm
- M07_SiskoL1B.dsm
- M07_SiskoL2.dsm
- M07_SiskoL3B.dsm
- M07_WorfL3.dsm
- M07_WorfL2B.dsm
- M07_WorfL2A.dsm
- M07_WorfL1.dsm
- M10_KiraL2.dsm
- M10_KiraL1B.dsm
- M10_SiskoL2.dsm
- M10_SiskoL1B.dsm
- M10_SiskoL1A.dsm
- M10_WorfL2.dsm
- M10_WorfL1B.dsm
- M10_WorfL1A.dsm
- M11_KiraL1.dsm
- M11_SiskoL1a.dsm
- M11_SiskoL1b.dsm
- M11_WorfL1.dsm
- TrainingRoom.dsm
- Entry.dsm
- DS9_Ops.dsm
- DS9_Promenade.dsm
Additionally, intermission sequences can be viewed by replacing 'title.dsm' with one of the following values:
Cheat Codes For All Games
- CM01a_SW.dsm
- CM01b_SW.dsm
- CM04_Lab.dsm
- CM05_Kira.dsm
- CM06_SW_Capture.dsm
- CM10_KiraL1A.dsm
- CM10_SWK_L3.dsm
- Cm11B_SWK.dsm
- CM11_LabRitual.dsm
- CM_ArdPrison.dsm
- CM_Defiant.dsm
- CM_Endcredits.dsm
- CM_GlobalSpace.dsm
- CM_SpaceStation.dsm
- CM_Worf_Endgame.dsm
- GCM11end_WraithObk.dsm