Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'nwn.ini' file in the game folder. Add the following line under the 'Game Options' section: Debug Mode=1. Then while playing the game, press and type 'DebugMode 1' (case. Scroll down to read our guide named 'NwN Cheats' for Neverwinter Nights Collector s Edition on PC (PC), or click the above links for more cheats. Tweet Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Cheat Codes Cheat mode Press during game play to display the console window and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'nwn.ini' file in the game folder. Add the following line under the 'Game Options' section: Debug Mode=1. Then while playing a game, press and type 'DebugMode 1' case sensitive to enable cheat mode. While playing the game, press to display the console window, then type 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode.Press again, then press Tab to view the debug commands. Press Tab to scroll through the commands. You can enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'nwn.ini' file in the game folder. Add the following line under the 'Game Options' section: Debug Mode=1. Then while playing the game, press.
Fishing Barents Sea Trainer Fishing Barents Sea trainer is now available and supports STEAM. These Fishing Barents Sea cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. Options Change Money Change Traveled Distance Infinite Fuel Infinite Ship Health Super Speed Unlock All Certificates. Download Fishing Barents Sea Trainer 1.3. Bering sea fishing game money cheats. Search for CurrencyAvailable and edit that to whatever cash you want.Search for DistanceTravelledInKm and edit that to the number of Kilometers you want to have travelled.Search for TotalDistanceTravelled and edit this to the number above km x 100,000, so 25km distance traveled in KM, would be 2,500,000 total distance travelled.
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Get the latest Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion.
While playing the game, press to display the console window. Type ' DebugMode 1 ' (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Mortal kombat 2 cheats sega. Use the following commands to affect your party members' influence. You must know their designation, thus the x and y. Since 1996, has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit first!
Getting Levels

If you want to get levels easily, just do the easyacts over again, except turn up the difficultyfrom the options page.
Rolgan's Trial
This occurs in part 3. Rolgan is accused ofmurder,and you need to get him aquitted by asmany votes as possible. Go to Mercenary Barracksin Beorunna's Well. Heal the slightly injuredsoldier and he will tell you that Rolgan's drinkswere spiked and the guy who was killed wascheating at cards. At trial, DO Not questionRolgan. Ask Vanda why she sent him to see thesoldier. Mention spiked drinks and cheating. Thiswill get a 5 to 1 aquittal. It is possible tobribe people, but that is chancy--I don'trecommend it. Don't end any conversations--I didthat and ended up with Rolgan's head on a pike.
Cheat Mode

Press ~ during game play to display the console window and type DebugMode 1 (casesensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ again and press [Tab] to view thedebug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You can enter one ofthe following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate thecorresponding cheat function. The message 'Success' will confirm correct codeentry. If the message 'Entered Target Mode' appears, click on the desiredcharacter to apply the cheat. Note: If you alter your character, loadthe 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder and set the following lines in orderto continue past the module you are currently on: Single Player Enforce LegalCharacters=0 Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Key Item ID CodesVII. Key Item Slot ModifierVI. PC Item Slot ModifierIV. Cheat game corner fire red wing.
We have no unlockables for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links. Cheat codes to mega man 8 ps1 game winners.
Neverwinter Nights Cheats Steam
We have no achievements or trophies for Neverwinter Nights: Shadow of Undrentide Expansion yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, then type 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Press ~ again, then press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You can enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message 'Success' will appear. If the message 'Entered Target Mode' appears, click on the desired character to apply the cheat.
Note: If you alter your character, load the 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder and set the following lines in order to continue past the module you are currently on:
- Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
- Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | dm_god |
Restore all hit points | dm_heal |
Get all spells | dm_allspells 1 |
Get indicated amount of experience points | GiveXP [number] |
Get indicated amount of gold | dm_givegold [number] |
Set character level | dm_givelevel [number] |
Raise indicated number of levels | GetLevel [number] |
Set Strength attribute | SetSTR [number] |
Set Dexterity attribute | SetDEX [number] |
Set Intelligence attribute | SetINT [number] |
Set Wisdom attribute | SetWIS [number] |
Set Constitution attribute | SetCON [number] |
Set Charisma attribute | SetCHA [number] |
Set character's fortitude save modifier | ModSaveFort |
Set character's reflex save modifier | ModSaveReflex |
Set character's will save modifier | ModSaveWill |
Set character's spell resistance modifier | ModSpellResistance [number] |
Set character's age | SetAge [number] |
Set character's base attack | SetAttackBase [number] |
Change character's race (human, elf, etc.) [Note] | SetAppearance [race] |
Ride a hobby horse | dm_mylittlepony |
Killer flying cows | dm_cowsfromhell |
Scripting function | ModAge [number] |
Scripting function | ModAttackBase [number] |
Scripting function | ModSave |
Scripting function | ModDEX [number] |
Scripting function | ModCON [number] |
Scripting function | ModINT [number] |
Scripting function | ModWIS [number] |
Scripting function | ModCHA [number] |
Scripting function | SetSave |
Scripting function | SetSpellResistance [number] |
Scripting function | GiveLevel [number] |
Scripting function | runscript [name] |
Scripting function | GetVarInt |
Scripting function | GetVarFloat |
Scripting function | GetVarString |
Scripting function | GetVarObject |
Scripting function | GetVarVector |
Scripting function | SetVarInt |
Scripting function | SetVarFloat |
Scripting function | SetVarString |
Scripting function | SetVarObject |
Scripting function | SetVarVector |
Scripting function | GetVarModInt |
Scripting function | GetVarModFloat |
Scripting function | GetVarModString |
Scripting function | GetVarModObject |
Scripting function | GetVarModVector |
Scripting function | SetVarModInt |
Scripting function | SetVarModFloat |
Scripting function | SetVarModString |
Scripting function | SetVarModObject |
Scripting function | SetVarModVector |
Neverwinter Nights Walkthrough Pc
Note: Once you change from your original race, your character will be headless until you change back.