More Cheats and Tips for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories If you need more help with this game, then check out the following pages which are our most popular hints and cheats for this game: GTA VICE CITY STORIES CHEATS:-).
For Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories on the PSP, GameFAQs has 76 cheat codes and secrets. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Cheats. Another PSP round of carjacking, gangster-blasting, drug-running and everything else-ing, this time in the pastel-and-neon, thong-watching capital of. While playing the game, press Up (3), Square (2), Triangle, R, L to unlock 25% of the content in Multiplayer mode. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PlayStation 4 (PS4). While playing the game, press Up (3), Square (2), Triangle, R, L to unlock 25% of the content in Multiplayer mode. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (GTA VCS) cheats for PS2 and PSP Posted on February 10, 2020 February 17, 2020 Author Gabriel Lewis Comment(0) Here are a series of tips and tricks from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories for PlayStation 2 and that will surely make the game much easier.
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Get the latest Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PSP (PSP). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PSP cheats we have available for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
Zero To Hero
When I first did this mission, I had troublecrossing the bridge. Your best bet would be toswirve right onto the right hand sidewalk, andwait fro the explosion to pass, the swirve overto the other side. Keep doing this until you arecompletely across the bridge. Then just followLance until you pass it.
Backflip On A Motorcycle Without Falling Off.
Usually when you try to do a backflip or when youjust flip upside-down on a motor bike you falloff. To do A flip without falling off you willfirst have to go to the airport. You then willnotice little stubs next to the runways withnumbers on them and are either yellow or red. Youwill have to gain enough speed and just beforeyou hit it. Slam your brake and then pull up. Itshould then flip you Very fast. You don't falloff! Also You can do 360 degree flips whilegoing fast and turning at the same time.Note: It takes time to get this down It took meabout 10 ties before I could get even a littlegood at it.
Ballon Rewards
Pop the indicated number of hidden balloons to unlock the corresponding reward at the safe house:
How To Blow Up A Rhino (6 Stars)
Molotovs. Can be found behind safe houses (if you've popped 40 balloons), or in Civil Asset Forfeiture Impound yard.
Kill The Cops
While playing the game, press Right (2), Circle (2), L, R, Down, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
Two In One
In the beginning of the game they give you a house with a garage and the garage can only hold one car but you still can fit two cars by walk to the garage and opening it then use the car you already have in there and halfway take it out leaving the garage open the put I'm the other car then get out and use the car to drive it in the go to your closest house the go back to your garage and both are there.
Funny Sign
Go to the safe house phill gives you and and look for the two truck beds 1s red and 1s green go in side the green one and look at the front wall and theres a sign with a cartoon face on it and a#2 on it.
Another Funny Sign
When you get to the other side of the bridge andcan drive boats go to the carnival area in thewater. You will see two bridges go under themand as you do you will see a red balloon pop itthen look left or right until you see acardboard looking sign that says, '#10 THAT'S IT'with a cartoon face.
Funny Sign
When you get to the safe house that Phil gives you, look for the big boat that you have to use the ramp to get on. Then, jump in the water next to the dock. Power swim towards the front of the boat. You should see a cardboard looking sign that says, 'Nothing to see here...' and a cartoon face.
Change Moon Size
Take a sniper rifle and zoom into the moon,shoot. There is 5 different moon sizes.
Never Wanted
Press Up, Right, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Left, X, X.
Spawn Rhino
During game play, press Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1.

While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left,Right, X(2), L, R. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Mendezes password for his safe during the robot mission, the safe is in the basement, when you get there use the robots signal arm to access the safe and then use this code (This is the correct code (8423).
Never Wanted
While playing the game, press Up(2), Right,Left, Triangle, Circle(2), Square. If youentered the code correctly, a message willappear.
People Have Weapons
Press Up, L, Down, R, Left, Cirlce, Right, Triangle during gameplay.
Weapons (Tier 3)
While playing the game, press Left, Right,Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right. If youentered the code correctly, a message willappear. The Chainsaw, Grenades, Laser ScopePython, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Mini-gun, and SniperRifle will be unlocked.
Spawn Trashmaster
While playing game press Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L, Triangle, L, Triangle.
People Attack You
Press Down, Triangle, Up, X, L, R, L, R during gameplay.
People Follow You
Press Right, L, Down, L, Circle, Up, L, Square during gameplay.
Weapons (Tier 1)
While playing the game, press Left, Right, X,Up, Down, Square, Left, Right. If you enteredthe code correctly, a message will appear. TheBrass Knuckles, Knife, Molotov Cocktails, 9mmHandgun, Rifle, SMG, AK-47 will be unlocked.
While playing the game, press Left, Right,Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right. If youentered the code correctly, a message willappear. The Katana Sword, Remote Grenades,Python, Shotgun, Silenced Uzi, M4, RocketLauncher, and Sniper Rifle will be unlocked.
Video Cheat Codes
Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle(2), L, R
People Riot
Press R, L(2), Down, Left, Circle, Down, L during gameplay.
Black Traffic
While playing the game, press Up(3), Triangle(2), Circle, L, R to unlock 100% of the contentin Multiplayer mode. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Spawn A Tank
L, UP, R, DOWN, L, LEFT, R, RIGHT if the cheat works a message will appear at the top left cornor.
Commit Suicide
While playing the game, press Right(2), Circle(2), L, R, Down, X. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Vehicles Have Better Handling
While playing the game, press Down, Left, Up, L,R, Triangle, Circle, X. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Increase Wanted Level
While playing the game, press Up, Right, Square(2), Down, Left, Circle(2). If you entered thecode correctly, a message will appear.
Perfect Traction
DOWN, LEFT, UP, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, X, RIGHT, RIGHT, CIRCLE, CIRCLE Perfect Traction (Press down to 'jump' in cars).
Upside Down
While playing the game, press R, L(2), Down, Up,X, Down, L. If you entered the code correctly, amessage will appear.
Slower Gameplay
While playing the game, press Left(2), Circle(2), Down, Up, Triangle, X. If you entered thecode correctly, a message will appear.
Faster Gameplay
While playing the game, press R, L(2), Down, Up,X, Down, L. If you entered the code correctly, amessage will appear.
Foggy Weather
Press Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L during gameplay.
Clear Weather
Press Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left,Triangle during gameplay.
Destroy All Cars
While playing the game, press L, R(2), Left,Right, Square, Down, R. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
50% Of Multiplayer Content
While playing the game, press Up(3), Circle(2),X, L, R to unlock 50% of the content inMultiplayer mode. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Slower Gametime
R, Up, Triangle, Down, Up, R, R, L A message appears if you put the code correctly.
Make Crs Jump
Press down, left, up, L, R, triangle, circle, X then get in a car and drive thenpress the down button.
Put Out A Flaming Car
When your car is on fire enter the code up, down, left, right, O, O, L, R if the code is entered right the flame will go out.
Sunny Weather
Press Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, Circle during gameplay.
Overcast Weather
Press Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up,Left, Square during gameplay.
75% Of Multiplayer Content
While playing the game, press Up(3), X(2),Square, R, L to unlock 75% of the content inMultiplayer mode. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
25% Of Multiplayer Content
While playing the game, press Up(3), Square(2),Triangle, R, L to unlock 25% of the content inMultiplayer mode. If you entered the codecorrectly, a message will appear.
Smart Suit
Complete all 6 types of empire missions.(Protection, Loan Shark, etc.)
Unlock Quadbike
Take over all 30 empire sites.
Unlock Ak
Do become resistant to flames, complete level 15of the Fire Fighter mission.
Infinite Sprint
Complete 15 missions of paramedic to unlockinfinite sprint.
Unlock Pistol
Pop 40 balloons.
Unlock Armor
Pop 70 balloons.
Bulletproof BF Injection
Complete 15 'Beach Patrol' missions. You also getunlimited swimming power.
Game Clips At Clemyous Suite
Pop 20 balloons.
Unlock Stubby Shotgun
To get extra health, complete level 15 of theParamedic mission.
Extra Armor
Get better armor by completing all 15 levels of the Vigilante side missions.
Easter Egg Sign
Go to the boat at the dock go to it you will see noting to see.
We have no glitches for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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Created by: orgasmicoprah.Read the full guide...
Created by: RARusk.Read the full guide...
Created by: ElBombero.Read the full guide...
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Pc
Created by: Probester.Read the full guide...