After the game reloads itself, you will notice that your face looks like a gyroid! This is not a glitch, Nintendo programmed it that way. To return your face to the normal state, either reset the game again, or you can go to your gyroid, save, quit, and turn the game back on! Dream Ranch has set out to be the top hunting and fishing resort in the Southeast. We believe that in achieving this Dream we needed a lodge that is more than just a hunting lodge. After driving up the paved, forest-lined entrance, The 14,000 square foot log and stone Lodge is a safe haven to the outside world and has become one of the premier.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding circuit:
- Big Bang Circuit: Finish in first, second, or third in the Universal Circuit.
- Comet Circuit: Finish in first place in the Planet Circuit.
- Cosmos Circuit: Finish in first place in the Supernova Circuit.
- Galaxy Circuit: Finish in first place in the Cosmos Circuit.
- Meteorite Circuit: Finish in first place in the Sunlight Circuit.
- Moonlight: Finish in first place in the Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn Circuits.
- Satellite Circuit: Finish in first place in the Comet Circuit.
- Stardust: First in first place in the Moonlight Circuit.
- Sunlight Circuit: Finish in first place in the Satellite Circuit.
- Supernova Circuit: Finish in first place in the Meteorite Circuit.
- Universal Circuit: Finish in first, second, or third in the Galaxy Circuit.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding event:
- 400m Hurdles: Win the Sunlight Circuit.
- 400m Race: Win the Planet Circuit.
- 4x100m Relay: Unlock the Moonlight Circuit.
- Archery Event: Unlock the Stardust Circuit.
- Dream Fencing: Win the Comet Circuit.
- Dream Platform: Unlock the Galaxy Circuit.
- Dream Race: Unlock the Moonlight Circuit.
- Dream Table Tennis: Win the Satellite Circuit.
- High Jump: Play as all characters.
- Pole Vault: Unlock the Supernova Circuit.
- Single Sculls Event: Unlock the Moonlight Circuit.
- Vault: Unlock the Cosmos Circuit.
Finish the Moonlight Circuit in first place to unlock the Advanced Class.
CrownsGet gold medals in all the events with a character to unlock his or her crown.
Alternate ending sequence
Finish the Big Bang Circuit in first place to view an alternate ending sequence.
Character EmblemsSuccessfully complete all missions for a character in Mission mode to get their character Emblem. You can set the character Emblem as your icon. For example, successfully complete all of Sonic's missions to get the Sonic Emblem.
EmblemsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Emblem:
- Aquatics Champs Emblem: Get gold medals in all Aquatics events.
- Bouncing Emblem: Get a perfect 10 on the Trampoline.
- Collaborative Emblem: Play with all the characters.
- Complete Game Emblem: Unlock all events.
- Dream Champ Emblem: Get a gold medal in all Dream events.
- Field Champ Emblem: Get gold medals in all Field events in Single Match mode.
- Friendly Emblem: Play an event with two to four Players.
- Full Play Emblem: Play all events.
- Gallery Owner Emblem: Unlock everything in the gallery.
- Gymnastics Champ Emblem: Get gold medals in all Gymnastics events.
- Hunter Emblem: Get 120 points in Archery.
- Knight's Emblem (Fencing): Have a 15-0 record in Individual Epee.
- Mario Family Emblem: Get a gold medal in all events with all Nintendo characters.
- Network Emblem: Connect to the Nintendo WFC Rankings.
- Olympic Record Emblem: Break an Olympic Record.
- Penalty Emblem: Commit a foul in the 100m Dash.
- Ping Pong Emblem (Table Tennis): Win 11-0 in Singles Table Tennis.
- Planet Circuit: Get any medal in the Stardust Circuit.
- Rocket Emblem: Successful start dash in 100m Dash.
- Shooting Emblem (Shooting): Get 40 points in Skeet.
- Somersault Emblem (Vault): Get a perfect 10 on the Vault.
- Sonic Family Emblem: Get a gold medal in all events with all Sega characters.
- Thanks for Playing Emblem: Start the game 50 times.
- Track Champ Emblem: Get gold medals in all Track events in Single Match mode.
- World Record Emblem: Break a World Record.
Successfully complete the indicated number of mini-games (all five rounds) in the gallery to unlock the corresponding song:
- Green Hill and Overworld: One mini-game
- Sonic 2 Special Stage and Underwater: Three mini-games
- Star Light and Underground: Two mini-games
- Super Mario World Ground BGM and Let The Speed Mend It: Five mini-games
- Super Mario 3 Ground BGM and Sonic Heroes: Four mini-games
When in a 400 meter running race, notice the flags, balloons, and tarps with drawings. At the beginning before you start the 400 meter running race, you should see a tarp with FLUDD on it, which was the cleaning device that Mario uses to clean with in Super Mario Sunshine.
Start the game with the '-developerkeys' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developerkeys' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F11] to display the statistics screen, then Press [Page Up] or [Page Down] to cycle through the character models.
Secret endingStart the game with the '-developer' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developer' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter 'maxpayne_gamemode->gm_sendendofgamemessages( );' to view a secret game ending message.
Skip startup dialogueStart the game with the '-nodialog' command line parameter.
Skip startup animation sequenceDream Ranch Game Cheats Download
Start the game with the '-skipstartup' command line parameter.
Screen captureStart the game with the '-screenshot' command line parameter. Press [F10] during the game to save a screen shot in the 'screenshots' folder in the main game folder.
Disable 3D graphics preloadStart the game with the '-disable3dpreloads' command line parameter. This may prevent crashes due to the system running out of texture memory while loading a level.
Windowed modeDream Ranch Game Cheats Codes
Start the game with the '-window' command line parameter. Note: This cannot be used with a 3D accelerators.
Part 1, Chapter 5 secretDream Ranch Game Cheats Code
After the shootout in the laundry room, get into the elevator and you will hear music playing. Look up and shoot the speaker. The music will stop and Max will say 'Thank you.'
Part 1, Chapter 6 secretsThere are two secrets when you get to the basketball court. Look up in the basket. There is a Beretta stuck in the net. Then, go to the chain link fence next to the street. Wait briefly and an SUV will pass by. Shoot it, the car will screech to a halt, and a man with a shotgun will get out and shoot at you.
Secret tutorial roomPlay the tutorial till you reach the end, where you can practice shooting enemies. Jump up on the big van located there, then over to the ventilation fan on the wall next to the van. From the fan, jump to the stairs and climb up to the top. Break through the window. You will find an Ingram in the room.
Cheat CodesStart the game with the '-developer' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developer' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mod | god |
Disable god mode | mortal |
All weapons | getallweapons |
Infinite ammunition | getinfiniteammo |
Debug mode | coder |
No clipping mode | noclip |
Disable no clipping mode | noclip_off |
Display frame rate | showfps |
Refill bullet time meter | getbullettime |
Baseball bat | getbaseballbat |
Baretta with full ammo | getberetta |
Dual Berettas with full ammo | getdualberetta |
Sawed off shotgun with full ammo | getsawedshotgun |
Pump action shotgun with full ammo | getpumpshotgun |
Desert Eagle with full ammo | getdeserteagle |
Ingram with full ammo | getingram |
Dual Ingrams with full ammo | getdualingram |
TMP5 with full ammo | getmp5 |
Colt Commando with full ammo | getcoltcommando |
Jackhammer with full ammo | getjackhammer |
M-79 with full ammo | getm79 |
Sniper rifle with full ammo | getsniper |
Molotov cocktail | getmolotov |
Grenade | getgrenade |
Pain killers | getpainkillers |
Health | gethealth |
Add indicated amount to health | c_addhealth[number] |
Set jump height | jump[number] |
Wounded walk | setwoundedstate |
Normal walk | setnormalstate |
-Some codes from:
Cheat modeStart the game with the '-developerkeys' command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select 'Properties'), then change the entry for the program to 'Target: 'C:Program FilesMax Paynemaxpayne.exe' -developerkeys' or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Cycle through three camera modes | C |
Cycle mesh up | [Page Up] |
Cycle mesh down | [Page Down] |
Cycle texture set up | [Ctrl] + [Page Up] |
Cycle texture set down | [Ctrl] + [Page Down] |
Increase game speed | [Home] |
Decrease game speed | [End] |
Set game speed to normal | [Home] + [End] |
Teleport Max to next start point | [Insert] |
Teleport Max to previous start point | [Delete] |
Switches AI Movement Network Conn Visualization | [F7] |
Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization | [F8] |
Toggle statistics | [F11] |
Open console | [F12] |
External camera left | [Cursor Left] |
External camera right | [Cursor Right] |
External camera forward | [Cursor Up] |
External camera backward | [Cursor Down] |