Successfully complete the game on the Normal or Hard difficulty setting to view an alternate ending. 30 lives in NES Contra. Before the demonstration begins at the Contra title screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, B, Start. Hard mode in NES Contra. Successfully complete the game to begin a new game in Hard mode. Contra 4 video walkthrough guide. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. Page Information: Download Contra 4 (240x320) game for mobiles - one of the best Java games! At PHONEKY Free Java Games Market, you can download mobile games for any phone absolutely free of charge. Nice graphics and addictive gameplay will keep you entertained for a very long time. Hack//Quarantine Part 4 – Action Replay Codes US The following are known Action Replay Codes for hack//Quarantine Part 4 on Nintendo DS (NDS). Game ID: YCTE-8C13221A Max Score 021cd804 3b9ac9ff Infinite Lives 221cd83 Infinite Continues 221cd83 Character Modifier Codes Always Bill Rizer 2220001 Always Lance Bean 2220002 Always Mad Dog 22269865.
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Get the latest Contra 4 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Contra 4.
We have no tips for Contra 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Action Replay Codes US Version
Invisibility &Never Lose A WeaponNote: When starting a level walk left, then right. You will be invisible for the entire levelIn The Base &FactoryNote 2: Lose a life and you will be invisible. Works on all levels.
Upgrade Weapons
Enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. Note: This codecan only be used once in each stage. If used more than once you will keep loosinga life.
10 Lives In Super Contra
Enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Y, B.
Challenge Mode
In order to unlock challenge mode, beat the gameonce on easy. This new mode is hard, but it allowsyou to unlock bonus content.
We have no easter eggs for Contra 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Contra 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
34 Lives Code

99 lives glitch
Alternate Color for Unlockable Characters
Alternate colors
Alternate ending
Challenge mode
Challenge Mode Bonuses
Bonus | How to unlock |
Hard mode for Classic Contra
NES Contra: 30 lives
New Armor Colors
Nobuya Nakazato Interview

Upgraded weapons
Super Contra Cheat
Enter the Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right Left, Right, B, A, Start) in the pause menu to either upgrade your weapons fully when entered for the first time in the level or kill your character. It can only be used in Normal or Hard mode (Easy gives you full upgrades automatically).KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?
You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.Contra 4 Java Game Cheats Pc
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