You can finally play the original Pokémon games on your 3DS, but Nintendo’s handheld has a few secret ways for you to maximize your nostalgia.
- How To Open In Game Cheat Box Pokemon Redemption
- Game Cheat For Pc
- How To Open In Game Cheat Box Pokemon Redeem
If you buy Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow from the 3DS eShop, you can play them in their original resolution with a virtual Game Boy border. With a few button presses, you can also play Red and Blue in their original pea-soup green color. These are tools built into the 3DS, and they work with every Game Boy game available for the Virtual Console.
Here’s how to activate these special modes:
Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. If you want to ask a question for this game, please use the ask a question box which is above on the right. Pokemon gym master 2007 copyright Submitted by GymMasterofStrenth. Be better than oyur rival; This will only work if you have 2 GBA's and 2 Games. (Or you use a friends) Start the game and get the starter pokemon you want. Then trade it to your other game and restart your game. With the code turned off fight a trainer. Go to the pokeballs pocket then turn on code. Press L+R at same time. Use the pokeball you have selected. Pokemon Red Master Ball (infinite is recommended) Rare Candy-This can only be done on Red Version of Pokemon. Do the steps described for infinite items. When you encounter the bar shaped thing (also refered to as Missing No.), use a master ball (if you have infinite) and capture the Missing No. WARNING: Only do this is if Missing No. Mar 08, 2017 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Pokemon Red Version for Game Boy.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a.
Original resolution and Game Boy border:
Sep 09, 2020 Pokemon FireRed, released along with Pokemon LeafGreen in 2004, is the remake of the original Pokemon Red and Blue. The games were developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The players of the role playing video game need play the game from an overhead position just like the previous installments.
- Go to your 3DS’s main menu.
- Find Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow.
- Hold down Select or Start.
- Tap on the game or press A to boot it up.
This will cause the game to take up the same number of pixels that the original Game Boy system had. It will also put a Game Boy (or Game Boy Color in the case of Yellow) around the action.
START + SELECT on boot up = Original Resolution
Hold L+R then press Y = Green
— graphμre (づ・8・)づ (@graphure) February 27, 2016
Pea-soup green coloring:
- While playing Pokémon Red or Blue (this doesn’t work for Yellow)
- Hold down the L and R buttons at the same time.
- You’ll see a symbol pop up on the top screen prompting you to press Y.
- Tap Y.
This will switch the color of the game from black and white to the green tint of the original Game Boy. Again, this works on all 3DS Game Boy rereleases.
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'Give a Certain Item & Trade' Evolutions
ONIX- Give METAL COAT. Evolves into STEELIX.
Remember- You must trade to activate evolution. Give the item prior. | Submitted by Upgrademaster
1 Good Pokemon Team
Charizard-Blast Burn,Overheat,Hyper Beam,Focus Punch
Blastoise-Hydro Cannon,Hydro Pump,Skull Bash,Surf
Venusaur-Frenzy Plant,Giga Drain,Solarbeam,Sunny Day
Tyranitar-Hyper Beam,Earthquake,Mega Kick,Iron Tail
Gengar-Hypnosis,Dream Eater,Sludge Bomb,Psychic
Kangaskhan-Thunderbolt,Toxic,Earthquake,Dizzy Punch | Submitted by zacharykt338
A good team
Train all of them to around level 60-70.
Also try to get Squirtle as a starter.
It can also come out very handy if you have a Ditto around level 60 because he has the move transform and he will be able to change in the opponent's first pokemon, but be careful, he has only 5pp of each move!
Also get a fire-type pokemon (only if you have chosen squirtle as a starter)for the champions Venusaur.
Then you'll get:
Fire-type pokemon
Also beware that the second time you challenge the Elite Four and the Champion there pokemon are superstrong because they have grown by like 12 levels each! | Submitted by Ra
About the training regiment tips
Action Replay Codes
29c78059 87ACF659 707466DC
8BB602F7 8CEB681A 96542194 | Submitted by Joe
Action Replay Codes
Pro Action Replay Codes
17543C48 E65E0B97
594F7021 3B4E81A7
and for the ones after Celebi:
8C050415 EB447C7A
AD86124F 2823D8DA
A0CCA92E 61571E3B
E2302908 64FD3288
25AF3162 06D16963
AD86124F 2823D8DA
565F305F 32EDC479
E2302908 64FD3288
77D045B7 CD1C9210
Put the codes above before the code below to run into a wild pokemon of your choice.
1 - Bulbasaur
AD86124F 2823D8DA
2 - Ivysaur
AB84463B B2609644
3 - Venusaur
3542F0A7 7D2E171F
4 - Charmander
5 - Charmeleon
08506D61 55CBD9A8
6 - Charizard
A56395D2 8AF46857
7 - Squirtle
BCDCB406 2F2FD763
8 - Wartortle
268349C8 63FF53CE
9 - Blastoise
5FD24ABC 1FE3296A
10 - Caterpie
358CC2BF 9BFA3518
11 - Metapod
DC725D4E 3A20792F
12 - Butterfree
33EFFB7C E1794F5B
13 - Weedle
9A86D92A 635F8DBC
14 - Kakuna
15 - Beedrill
F3D99280 49F4EEDC
16 - Pidgey
139BBA32 2DC356C8
17 - Pidgeotto
2F7B0F2F 257173EA
18 - Pidgeot
13659B39 95BD80E5
19 - Rattata
E5C49E22 47B157F2
20 - Raticate
60C9DC15 1AD9B226
21 - Spearow
2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE
22 - Fearow
23689847 DA918B8D
23 - Ekans
24 - Arbok
B75D69F0 7C3B3103
25 - Pikachu
9D4A1BFF 05120D39
26 - Raichu
CE7B779B AE493550
27 - Sandshrew
28 - Sandslash
CFC711B9 0585971F
29 - Nidoran(F)
B6450111 C65005BC
30 - Nidorina
0BA329E0 CEB39484
31 - Nidoqueen
C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E
32 - Nidoran(M)
A38262A2 825F8CF0
33 - Nidorino
33D5E08A 037AB9C4
34 - Nidoking
35 - Clefairy
36 - Clefable
D15755D8 AF5BE6F1
37 - Vulpix
276AF592 A3A635CC
38 - Ninetales
27B815E0 B8CCC2DA
- Venonat
0CC56D24 C9F5A33A
49 - Venomoth
50 - Diglett
BA7199EC 664F9418
51 - Dugtrio
BCC0FB44 1A047D3C
52 - Meowth
5F38FD3F 5D7412A3
53 - Persian
0BEC25D3 787468AE
54 - Psyduck
70CEC019 12F0A7B0
55 - Golduck
32E8BC37 7712CF08
56 - Mankey
DAAB0C35 55611812
57 - Primeape
58 - Growlithe
CD7047AB 42D861F2
59 - Arcanine
3099D33C 49E66A04
60 - Poliwag
AF0908F3 650FE1BD
61 - Poliwhirl
C29C3277 063E67E9
62 - Poliwrath
63 - Abra
5738CFE5 515C61CF
64 - Kadabra
67CA1286 0E3A5D83
65 - Alakazam
C91954D9 68AAD246
66 - Machop
67 - Machoke
95EFD5EA DD857E98
68 - Machamp
3BF5B7C4 061AAA45
69 - Bellsprout
CF2E3B09 3B30426E
70 - Weepinbell
0030C455 4F43BB12
71 - Victreebel
72 - Tentacool
65C4E9C5 24CA1894
73 - Tentacruel
51DDE51A 00DE2CE3
74 - Geodude
399F7170 D519951E
75 - Graveler
76 - Golem
103F567C 2F1A9043
77 - Ponyta
877A6953 8F6209F2
78 - Rapidash
195BAD3F C840CA28
79 - Slowpoke
4CEC5478 ACBC593C
80 - Slowbro
FE7C44DB 7672B1D8
81 - Magnemite
3C17AEA9 5DC9D705
82 - Magneton
B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3
83 - Farfetch'd
9121060C 74B908E0
84 - Doduo
920BE3C7 3E00359C
85 - Dodrio
02258041 19ABFE29
86 - Seel
8EC19A12 FD47B55F
87 - Dewgong
E18D1069 1053E30C
88 - Grimer
EB7F9C3F DB3192F5
89 - Muk
729160A9 F8F73577
90 - Shellder
92A2030E 24F19E86
91 - Cloyster
FB078533 1A99C72A
92 - Gastly
99B8A848 91759EFF
93 - Haunter
7F14537B 6C00E975
94 - Gengar
95 - Onix
54D9A0DB 68FC768F
96 - Drowzee
97 - Hypno
F4BB6321 8E9265DB
98 - Krabby
D83FACC2 7D31E557
99 - Kingler
FF0F431F 400EF220
100 - Voltorb
101 - Electrode
0C2333CD 141730A7
102 - Exeggcute
8D2F9E72 8719250B
103 - Exeggutor
744AF614 12D8281B
104 - Cubone
D9E3884F 37500E3F
105 - Marowak
CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2
106 - Hitmonlee
9EDB950D 454533E5
107 - Hitmonchan
3535FA3A EBECD355
108 - Lickitung
F582757C 16122B78
109 - Koffing
BF93F87F BC1AB791
110 - Weezing
D966DA15 88BBB73A
111 - Rhyhorn
7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4
112 - Rhydon
9071D41E 55259C19
113 - Chansey
114 - Tangela
100D1518 466A2D06
115 - Kangaskhan
8F4BE409 7110788B
116 - Horsea
02401CFF F2742052
117 - Seadra
B0160E28 ED6B68EC
118 - Goldeen
29061002 69BB68FF
119 - Seaking
676505B9 904C9DE3
120 - Staryu
121 - Starmie
0E2752FA 51091446
122 - Mr.Mime
0922D9A2 C1E680BA
123 - Scyther
28BEFBB3 68DE4569
124 - Jynx
FB0FC84E D45216CF
125 - Electabuzz
126 - Magmar
C644F8D1 4159A2D6
127 - Pinsir
AEFBB853 03F4B721
128 - Tauros
1D5557F2 FACC2BA7
129 - Magikarp
04658924 E67574E2
130 - Gyarados
56156F0A D2F071F2
131 - Lapras
483AC796 E3850B8F
132 - Ditto
3613AA25 2CC1B172
133 - Eevee
4B78A144 F02E1187
134 - Vaporeon
D82AEDF5 F23B27A4
135 - Jolteon
1850F0B1 AAFB142F
136 - Flareon
AB622741 B3F84F8B
137 - Porygon
6EE60CB5 746DFF03
138 - Omanyte
1DBD6215 4FD65295
139 - Omastar
23F20EC6 1368F543
140 - Kabuto
32A2B3E0 40DB80D9
141 - Kabutops
2058318E 392B7EE5
142 - Aerodactyl
C44B6463 DB3237C3
143 - Snorlax
E9ADF485 15BE8FA7
144 - Articuno
145 - Zapdos
83E25054 9C927E5E
146 - Moltres
F8DEC3CC A014B094
147 - Dratini
47C69D5D 1AA59D6D
148 - Dragonair
8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786
149 - Dragonite
796E6824 2B208DD5
150 - Mewtwo
151 - Mew
152 - Chikorita
539C7E13 DD795F72
153 - Bayleef
39D823E3 9EB6C9AA
154 - Meganium
A2F7F837 7F974DEB
155 - Cyndaquil
E4995046 3D00BF91
156 - Quilava
157 - Typhlosion
B5592578 FBB9A4ED
158 - Totodile
6699EF70 D7B03D43
159 - Croconaw
33C5C90B D46AD9DC
160 - Feraligatr
161 - Sentret
6C2D5D5E 008A751F
162 - Furret
2B34A3C7 A829209F
163 - Hoothoot
164 - Noctowl
8E0B9473 A4AE2B53
165 - Ledyba
5F2FD32D 941693B4
166 - Ledian
1CD7078F A7384A34
167 - Spinarak
BF975E40 430B4806
168 - Ariados
F3D55605 74AE5C52
169 - Crobat
56FC2792 3AEFE3F9
170 - Chinchou
D70D1018 A021245F
171 - Lanturn
2D2CC458 21BDD10C
172 - Pichu
173 - Cleffa
08C2447D 2096B6AE
174 - Igglybuff
175 - Togepi
82269FC8 9579FD5A
176 - Togetic
E3581C9B AE652F9A
177 - Natu
B635603F B1E81481
178 - Xatu
459823AE 3F1683A4
179 - Mareep
0783E965 C5165BF8
180 - Flaaffy
F510A285 5288E291
181 - Ampharos
3CE54322 74A86618
182 - Bellossom
F0088391 0C65D5E3
183 - Marill
184 - Azumarill
E832EF37 64D0E6A2
185 - Sudowoodo
186 - Politoed
5C6CD179 E18C31EF
187 - Hoppip
B1BC8307 69EF9C2C
188 - Skiploom
189 - Jumpluff
190 - Aipom
191 - Sunkern
165C689B AF94A177
192 - Sunflora
36838BE7 E5367C3A
193 - Yanma
E500846E 9A4FF5C7
194 - Wooper
6F071CA9 63FF4902
195 - Quagsire
67375392 E7F55C24
196 - Espeon
EF8A105C 72CEF63E
197 - Umbreon
EF708FD1 C5E8B000
198 - Murkrow
98F8C8F7 EEA657B9
199 - Slowking
43D2617C C2F14DFB
200 - Misdreavus
201 - Unown
10998FB0 656B5C99
202 - Wobbuffet
EC4EB940 2C63CA65
203 - Girafarig
41377A90 E36247DE
204 - Pineco
43C3A9BF 477AF067
205 - Forretress
55815067 03B03952
206 - Dunsparce
4F8D48EA 9336834B
207 - Gligar
729F34AB 5B1018D0
208 - Steelix
1FE62E14 130CD2F8
209 - Snubbull
77C7197D 502B8B56
210 - Granbull
CF223304 929E964E
211 - Qwilfish
C9551136 F45B0236
212 - Scizor
213 - Shuckle
A94D8CB8 560257D4
214 - Heracross
779D6EBF 3139EFF6
215 - Sneasel
C21BA23A 95AB64BD
216 - Teddiursa
EDEB2FF0 88466B79
217 - Ursaring
2607FA8F 4BF940FA
218 - Slugma
E2899947 9269834F
219 - Magcargo
A58E1198 6E004BAD
220 - Swinub
221 - Piloswine
AA68D49C B33C8972
222 - Corsola
223 - Remoraid
A67D580A B44A4DF4
224 - Octillery
225 - Delibird
BC1FE4EC 9F1818A1
226 - Mantine
3AF8DB31 042E9DF9
227 - Skarmory
92DE3CD4 65C14106
228 - Houndour
229 - Houndoom
D8D99C49 B49D47DC
230 - Kingdra
2B185541 DB13ACF6
231 - Phanpy
232 - Donphan
B8A6C516 12ECADE5
233 - Porygon2
04EA10C3 8DB0146F
234 - Stantler
9C0B5F02 A2857BBC
235 - Smeargle
49D7E467 103D0D48
236 - Tyrogue
3D2030E2 B2A0CACE
237 - Hitmontop
A357C435 8BC380D1
238 - Smoochum
8C287F7F E3950A6E
239 - Elekid
240 - Magby
D77AEB51 E63292DB
241 - Miltank
242 - Blissey
01EA07BF 793C86F2
243 - Raikou
43FF33D1 F368CDE6
244 - Entei
0C8037A6 BE1D9DB2
245 - Suicune
80755BDB E392B806
246 - Larvitar
2C8E4296 84D8D6E3
247 - Pupitar
8418E051 5C53CE38
248 - Tyranitar
32D66B09 40354103
249 - Lugia
545C676A 51FFDC1C
250 - Ho-oh
437065EF 67DF37EF
251 - Celebi
4AEC27E8 A5FF1540
252 - Treecko
3BA410B6 94CBB557
253 - Grovyle
D9FE5FBF B09F0205
254 - Sceptile
1AA369E5 72BBA287
255 - Torchic
673752FC D4065FA8
256 - Combusken
2F22FB72 D5887213
257 - Blaziken
136BD0D6 606187D2
258 - Mudkip
FCEF6F25 3905588C
259 - Marshtomp
A72262EA 7F7FD464
260 - Swampert
8EED2DB5 964D67F8
300 - Skitty
47B99235 3CAC8E1F
301 - Delcatty
B4015263 3D8633C6
302 - Sableye
42084D1D C19BB889
303 - Mawile
DB37A521 AA84D2C4
304 - Aron
A80E3734 B2245A9B
305 - Lairon
EEC41DEB 3342969F
306 - Aggron
79BE0284 FA8BF8A0 | Submitted by xxxantxxx
An advisable Team
I would give a little example of some of my pokemon (All Lv 100) : Zapdos (First Team, Captain - nickname, Bloom) Thunder, Light Screen, Drill Peck and Rain Dance. Notice all my Zapdos moves are specially analysed ? Thunder and Drill Peck for attack, light screen for increasing special defence and rain dance for increasing accuracy for thunder. Misdreavus (Fourth Team - nickname, Ghostly) Psychic, Painsplit, Mean Look and Perish Song. Psychic is an attack but is is rarely used. First move, mean look next move perish song the when misdreavus is dying , use painsplit, too bad it cant recover ....Cradily EX (Fourth Team, nickname - nil) Ancientpower, Amnesia, Toxic, Recover. This is a very good example of a good combo. First move toxic next Amnesia then use recover till your opponent die of the poison. sometime playing pokemon requires intense amount of analysing skills... too much to say. And be a true trainer, Dont use Cheat, Remember, say no to the GameShark !!!
If you guys got any question, feel free to discuss with me. You can email me at ( or (
Pokemon gym master 2007 copyright | Submitted by GymMasterofStrenth
Be better than oyur rival
Beat your rival VERY easily!
Best Team
Then have atleast Squirtle - Wortorle - or Blastoise
Then get any grass type pokemon and then go to Victory road, get through it.
Get to Indigo Plateau.
Finish the first 2 Elite 4 trainers then at #3 the best team should kick in good... | Submitted by GenieFriend
Best Team without Poke Virus
Rayquaza lvl 100. Thunder, ice beam, earthquake, ancient power. (with leftovers)
Groudon lvl 100. Eruption, earthquake, slash, solarbeam. (with quick claw)
Kyogre lvl 100. Waterspout, earthquake, ice beam, thunderbolt. (With Sea incense or any water bonus)
Mewtwo lvl 100. Pyschic, shawdow ball, solar beam, focus punch. (with leftovers)
Articuno lvl 100. Blizzard, ice beam, rock smash, and fly. (with nevermeltice)
Tyranitar lvl 100. Crunch, earthquake, thunderbolt, Iron tail (with black glasses or quick claw)
I never lose with this amazing team!!! Im like a master at my place but 2nd. cause my friend uses glitches. I dont and u can change the thunderbolts to thunders if ure pkmn has high special atk. This is the Best!!! | Submitted by Daniel
Catch Deoxys
Catch Pokemon Easier
Completing the Pokédex
Daycare Center
Delete Saved Game Data
Deoxys with gameshark
Deoxys, Jirachi and Jiroxy
2. (Jirachi) You can only get jirachi from ruby or sapphire. the way to get it is to fill all five stars on your trainer card(ruby and sapphire) by becoming the champion, filling the pokedex, winning all five contests and getting thier pictures drawn, best EVERY trainer in the game and the last one I do not knowwhat to do.
3.(jiroxy) Jiroxy, the god pokemon is made when you leave Jirachi and Deoxys at the day care center. Walk 10000 steps and the old man will give you an egg. Walk 15000 steps and the egg will hatch into Jiroxy.
*NOTE* you need the national pokedex. | Submitted by Kyle
Determining Pokemon's feelings towards you
Easier pokemon catch!
Easy XP for Physcic Pokemon
Elite Four battling tip
Explosion and Self-Destruct
Free Moon Stone
Function of the Bonus Menu
Get the National Dex (JP Version)
Getting to saffron city
Good team
Hint: Getting tyrogue Tyrogue
hitmonlee/hitmonchan in the daycare center found on island 4 wait a while and come back.If the man in front is standing further out he will say your pokemon had an egg.Take it and walk 6,400 steps and it will hatch into a baby level 5 tyrogue
PS tyrogue is a male only species
PSS this will work for many other pokemon.
Hoenn Pokemon
how long it takes to get charzard,blastoise and venasuar
How to cach the glitch missingno. or m
How to find the legendary bird pokemon
Articuno: found in the seafoam islands, requirements: HMsurf, HMstrength
Zapdos: found in the power plant, requirements: HMsurf
Moltress: found in the cave by cerulean city, requirements: all HM's, beaten the elite four | Submitted by tony
How to get Aurora Ticket
1) Go to any poké-mart
2) On the desk, there should be a small square 'memo'
3) Press the 'A' button near the memo, and a questionnaire will pop up
4) Enter the words 'LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL'
5) The counter person will react - and tell you that you will receive Mistery gifts!
6) Save your game, and turn of your gameboy advance(SP)
7) Turn on your game and Mistery gift should appear below the 'new game' slot
8) When selecting Mistery gift you'll see 'wonder gift' and 'wonder news' select 'wonder gift'
9) Now you can receive the 'aurora ticket' from the authorized Aurora Ticket Station (Pokémon Rocks America, or retail stores to be determinated)
Try to catch DEOXYS (at Lv. 30):
1) Go to the 2nd floor of any pokémon center
2) Talk to the man in green hat above the stairs
3) After speaking him, your aurora ticket will be in 'key items pocket'
4) Save your game, then turn of you gameboy Advance(SP)
5) Go to the port of 'Vermilion city'
6) When you speak to the sailor at the dock 'BIRTH ISLAND' is your destination
7) Travel to BIRTH ISLAND
9) You will see a large patch of ground shaped like a triangle - a smaller triangle rests in the middle
10) Approach the mysterious triangle from below and press the 'A' button
11) Press '5 times LEFT' then press 'A'
12) Press '5 times RIGHT' then press '5 times UP' the press 'A'
13) Press '5 times RIGHT' then press '5 times DOWN' then press 'A'
14) Press '3 times UP' then press '7 times LEFT' then press 'A'
15) Press '5 times RIGHT' then press 'A'
16) Press '3 times LEFT' then press '2 times DOWN' then press 'A'
17) Press '1 time DOWN' then press '4 times LEFT' then press 'A'
18) Press '7 times RIGHT' then press 'A'
19) Press '4 times LEFT' then press '1 time DOWN' then press 'A'
20) Press '4 times UP' then press 'A'
21) Make ready to battle DEOXYS and to catch him (master ball is the best choice) | Submitted by mew_masterPieter
How to get frenzy plant, blast burn and hydro cannon
How to get Mewtwo
1. Go to 2 island
2. Buy alot of Timer Balls (around 99)
3. Go to Cruclean Cave
4. Go to Mewtwo and Battle him
5. Use the Articuno and freeze him with ice beam
6. Keep throwing Timer balls.
*NOTE* when the ball tilts →, push ← etc. | Submitted by Keelan
How to get really good atacks
How to get the saphire, and more!
How to get your legendary dog Pokemon
How to get Your Own Pikachu that knows surf
How to go rainbow islands 3 4 5 6 & 7
How to unlock the Berry Program update
In-Game Reset
Item finder
If you are lying he'll know. If you have 30 pokemon say yes and he'll give you the itemfinder.
This is a list of items you can find:
Soothe Bell
Macho Brace
Leftovers X2
Sacred ash
Unknown item by the P.C in Vermilion
Unknown item in the underground tunnel. | Submitted by fatman2007
Johto Pokémon
Johto/GSC Pokemon
Legendary birds
Legendary Pokémon
Squirtle - Raikou
Bulbasaur - Entei
Charmander - Suicune | Submitted by Neto
Lv. 100 Mew
Magikarp and Gyarados
Bite. | Submitted by zacharykt338
Master Ball
More time in the Safari Zone
Mystery Gift
National Pokedex
no.51 and 52 tm
Old Moves Available
Mega Kick/Mega Punch: Obtained outside of Mt. Moon, Cerulean Exit, by two men.
Seismic Toss: Obtained through the back entrance of Pewter Museum from a scientist.
Rock Slide: Obtained near the end of Rock Tunnel from a boy.
Softboiled: Obtained by a man across the pond in Celadon City.
Mimic: Obtained in Mimic Girl's house in Saffron City after you've given her a Pokédoll.
Thunder Wave: Obtained by a woman on the 2nd floor of the Sliph Co. building.
Counter: Obtained from a man located in Celadon's City Department Store 3rd floor.
Subtitute: Obtained from a man located infront of the Kangaskhan pen in Fuschia City.
Dream Eater: Obtained from a man across a pond in Viridian City.
Metronome: Obtained from a scientist in the second room of the Cinnibar Laboratory in Cinnibar Island.
Double-Edge: Obtained from a guy near the end of Victory Road.
Explosion: Obtained from a Hiker on the Northern area of Rainbow Island 1.
Elemental Attacks (Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Hydro Cannon): Obtained from a move tutor in Rainbow Island 2. However, he will only teach your stater Pokémon one of these attacks according to its type.
Body Slam: Obtained from a tutor on Rainbow Island 4.
Swords Dance: Obtained from a man located on the pier of Rainbow Island 7.
Note: Some of these moves can be taught multiple times, others only once. So choose wisely. | Submitted by Neto
Only one pokemon beats elite four
2.get the ruby and saphire to cielo to clear the cerulean cave.

4.catch him (master ball, ulta ball)
5.train him until it reaches level 90
6.the best move for him is flamethrower,icebeam,thunderbolt and psychic.
thunderbolt beats the ice trainer use also flamethrower to the ice type pokemon like jinx
flamethrower again for the steel trainer and psychic for the fithing pokemon
use thunderbolt to gyarados and use icebeam to dragonite or aerodactyl.
then choose specific move to gary because gary trains differnt kinds of pokemon.
pls email me at for some guides. | Submitted by jefferson
Pidgey and Evolution
It's evolution is
Pidgeotto-level 18
Pidgeot-level 36
P.S Pidgey is a good pokemon to have for the whole game.
It's perfered moves are gust,fly,quick attack,and wirlwind. | Submitted by Aipom
Pokemon fusion
| Submitted by aj
Powerful Fire, Water, And Grass Moves
PP Max
Quick Level Up
Quick Level Up Pokemon for the Elite Four
Safari Zone
Secret Japanese Time Glitch Fix
Secret Trainer Card Stickers
Effect - Code
Hall of Fame Sticker #1 - Beat The Elite Four One Time
Hall of Fame Sticker #2 - Beat The Elite Four Fourty Times
Hall of Fame Sticker #3 - Beat The Elite Four One Hundred Times
Hall of Fame Sticker #4 - Beat The Elite Four Two Hundred Times
Egg Hatching Sticker #1 - Hatch One Egg
Egg Hatching Sticker #2 - Hatch One Hundred Eggs
Egg Hatching Sticker #3 - Hatch Two Hundred Eggs
Egg Hatching Sticker #4 - Hatch Three Hundred Eggs
Winning A Link Battle Sticker #1 - Win One Link Battle
Winning A Link Battle Sticker #2 - Win Twenty Link Battles
Winning A Link Battle Sticker #3 - Win Fifty Link Battles
Winning A Link Battle Sticker #4 - Win One Hundred Link Battles
Secrets of the Unown!
To enter the ruins:
Solve the Tanoby Key by pushing the bolders into the slots.
The Chambers:
Monean Chamber-Unown ?,A
Liptoo-g (or possibly b)[?],d,h,c,u
Dilford-j,l,p,q (o.p. v)[?],r
Scufib-f,v (op q),k,t,y
Rixy-g (op b),q/v?,x,w,o
Hint: Some Unown only appear late at night, around from 7:30 to 11:59, Like ! and ?.
Once you gather all 28 of the Unown, Head for altering cave. You may need to spell your name out with the Unown. You may even need Suicine. You will be able to catch some Jhoto pokemon there. | Submitted by Upgrademaster
PS: Beware of its speed--its very slow..... | Submitted by Jordan
Solarbeam in one turn
Special Training Regiment-- Grass-Type Pokemon
[Note:You must have beaten the Elite 4 before attempting to train this way.] | Submitted by Upgrademaster
Special Training Regiment: Electric-Type Pokemon

Special Training Regiment: Fire- Type Pokemon
Special Training Regiments: Increased Effectiveness!
Strong Bug pokemon
The BEST pokemon team
The best team every
Steel wing
Aerial ace
Rock Smash
-Lapras-level 100
Hydro Cannon
Flygon-level 100
Aerial Ace
-Aerodactly-level 100
Ancient Power
Aerial Ace
Dragon Claw
Raiokou-level 100
Aerial Ace
CHARIZARD -level 100
Blast burn
dragon Claw
Metal Claw
One time i battled this guy that had all level 100 Raquasas and i owned him with aerodactly. YOU WILL BE BEATEN! | Submitted by Moo-Cow
TM List
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM04 Calm Mind
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM08 Bulk up
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM31 Brick Brake
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Tormant
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Steel Wing
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM50 Overheat | Submitted by xgreendayx
To get Riachi
So once you've done that you must have these in you firered pack.
Ruby/sapphire must have
Any water
You must trade moltres for oddish
In the middle wehen there flying through you take the link cable out. Go back on and you'll have Riachi. | Submitted by Gazza
Also if anyone knows where or if the name changing person is could you e-mail me at: | Submitted by Charamasta
Town Map
Try this team
zapdoes level 96 attacks thunder thunderbolt fly drillpeck
blastoise level 100 attacks watergun bite surf icebeam
pigeot level 98 attacks wingattack gust fly sandattack
vensuar level 98 attacks solorbeam sunnyday slugebomb frenzy plant
dragonite level 100 attacks surf icebeam thunderbolt flamethrower | Submitted by rj
Try this team
Dragonite level 98 attacks surf,outrage,flamethrower,dragon claw
Swaperat level 85 attacks mudshot,earthquake,surf,muddywater
Blazekin 96 attacks blazekick,fire punch,flamethrower,doblekick
Lapers level 89 attacks surf,icebeam,blizzard,waterpulse
Pigeot level 96 attacks wingattack,skyattack,gust,quickattack | Submitted by rj
Type Tips
Fire has a high effect on Grass
Fire has a low effect on water
Water has a high effect on Fire
Water has a high effect on Ground
Water has a high effect on Rock
Water has a low effect on Ice
Grass has a high effect on Rock
Grass has a high effect on Water | Submitted by Ragdoll
Unbeatable Team
Lv. 100 Charizard: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Fly
Lv100 Mewtwo: Psychic, Recover, Shadowball, ???
Lv100 Venusaur: Frenzy Plant, Eaurthquake, Hyperbeam, Synthesis
Lv.100 Scizor: Steelwing, Hyper Beam, Aerial Ace, ???
Lv100 Rayquaza: Flamethrower, Surf, Dragon Claw, Fly
Lv.100 Kyogre: SheerCold, Thunderbolt, Icebeam, ?? | Submitted by Reis
Unlimited rare candies + master balls
Unlimited way to stop Sleeping
Unlock the first 3 Rainbow islands
Unlock the National Dex in Ruby and Sapphire
Where to catch Chansey
Where to find rare pokemon
1) You need the pass to get to the fist 3 islands.
2) Go to one island.
3) Go up Kindle road then surf over the sea go right to the top of MT.EMBER then you will see Moltress save before you battle it.
4)if you run out of balls restart the game and then try again.
ARTICUNO) you will need a fire type pokemon, a lot of ultra or timer balls, a pokemn that knows a move to put it to sleep and HMs Surf and strength
1)surf to the seafoam islands and go in.
2)if you eventually keep on surfing and walking around then you will see two boulders push them into the holes then you can surf right to articuno.
3) save if you faint it or run out of balls then try again by restarting.
ZAPDOS) you will need a ice type pokemon, alot of ultra or timer balls, and HM surf and a move that can put it to sleep.
1) Surf to the power plant and go inside.
2) Walk arnd the plant and be carfull of some pokeballs lying on the ground.
3) you will eventually see Zapdos save before you fight it.
How To Open In Game Cheat Box Pokemon Redemption
4) if it faints or you runs of balls restart.MEWTWO) you will need a dark pokemon, alot of ultra balls or timer balls HMs surf and strength.
1) beat the elite 4 and then get the ruby and saphire to CELIO.
Game Cheat For Pc
2) The man infront of the cave will be gone go inside.
3) eventually after alot of wandering you will see MEWTWO.
3) save before you fight.
How To Open In Game Cheat Box Pokemon Redeem
4) If it dies or you run out of balls restart.THE REST YOU EITHER HAVE TO TRADE OR GET WITH A CHEAT OR NINTENDO SPECIAL EVENT | Submitted by GameMaster
Wireless Adapter Special Bonus Menu
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