Cheat codes for the Sims includes all the newest cheats for the Sims. All the cheats are easily accessed on your phone, anytime, since the app doesn't require internet to work. The cheats have been conveniently sorted into categories, so any cheat can easily be found.
- Cheats |
- Unlockables |
- Hints |
- Easter Eggs |
- Glitches |

Temukan pengalaman anda di kehidupan game The Sims 3,cara memainkan game yang sangat mudah dan menarik yang terasa seperti nyata,membeli barang-barang mewah sesuka anda,memainkannya secara geratis download The Sims ™ android hanya di Sims 3 for android persembahan geratis dari he Sims ™ 3 seri terlaris game iPhone, datang pengalaman Sims yang dapat Anda bermain. The Sims 3 Cheat Kode untuk PC – Cheats dan kode permainan komputer The Sims 3 – Mengaktifkan dan menggunakan cheat codes di The Sims 3 di PC sangat sederhana. Tidak ada file untuk mengedit, ada jalan pintas khusus untuk membuat, dan tidak perlu download trainer untuk permainan. Cheat Sims 3 dimasukkan sebagai kode ke dalam konsol. Selain Cheat The Sims Freeplay Android Tanpa Root disini mimin akan menyediakan Mod Apk Gratis dan kamu bisa mendownloadnya secara gratis + versi modnya dengan format file apk. Kamu juga bisa sepuasnya Download Aplikasi Android, Download Games Android, dan Download Apk Mod lainnya. Detail Cheat The Sims Freeplay Android Tanpa Root.
Get the latest The Sims 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Android (Android). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Android cheats we have available for The Sims 3.
We have no tips for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no cheats or codes for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no unlockables for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for The Sims 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
While only a few games nowadays have the option of using cheat codes, there are plenty of cheat codes in one game to compensate for all. The Sims 3 contains many cheats that allow you to so much as make people smile or age in years and much more. All they do is modify the game a little bit without making a lot of changes into the game. Since there won’t be significant changes to the game, you can use any cheat you like – on your own risk, though. You will witness your favourite sim or save become a little different; so better don’t do anything too soon.
Here is everything you need to know about The Sims 3 cheat codes and extra!
The Sims 3: How to apply a cheat code?
All you need to do is press Control-Shift-C for the command box to enable. This allows you to type the cheat codes on the box. As soon as you do, you will see the effect on your game almost immediately.
Testingcheatsenabled true is the most important cheat code there is for the game – by applying this code, you can change the properties of any element in the world by Shift-clicking on it.
You can also alter the sim’s properties and status or teleport yourself to a different location. You can also edit your status of friendship. When you press Shift-Control on the mailbox, you can edit your career as well.
Other cheat codes fitted into the game of Sims 3 are the following:
HELP – this code will display most of the codes |
Rosebud – Bring thousand-plus Simoleons |
Kaching – this will bring thousand-plus Simoleons |
Motherlode – Bring fifty thousand-plus Simoleons |
familyfunds [sims last name] [money wanted] – maximum money count is 9999999. You won’t have to use motherlode many times by using this code. |
shazaam – +2,500 lifetime happiness is given to active Sim |
modify traits – this cheat code will clear or modify traits |
make happy – it will set the mood or moodlets of people around. It will also remove a negative mood or moodlets. |
make motives [static|dynamic] – this cheat code allows you to change the motives. |
set age [number] – as the name suggests, it will set the age. |
ageuptonpc on – it will work on children which will age them up into NPC. |
forcetwins – enters upon clicking on a pregnant Sim |
make me know everyone – Selected Sim will now the other Sims |
make friends for me – does the exact same thing as the name. |
resetsim [first name] [last name] – it will Return Sims to safe at home |
freerealestate – when you buy anything, the price would not matter. |
buydebug – it will let you buy anything even the locked objects |
add to household – it will add them to household |
in case – Create-a-Sim |
Other cheat codes are given in the table below:
Download Game The Sims 3 Cheat Untuk Android Untuk
Cheat | Code |
Move objects that are normally stationary. | moveObjects on/off |
View career outfits and service uniforms (must be entered before you start making a Sim). | unlockOutfits on/off |
Allow terrain adjustments (default is true). | constrainFloorElevation true/false |
Objects won’t snap to slots while holding Alt. | disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off |
Objects fade as the camera gets close to them (doesn’t affect Sims). | fadeObjects on/off |
Show/hide talk and thought bubbles. | hideHeadlineEffects on/off |
Display a random joke within the cheat console. | jokePlease |
Slow motion (0 is normal, 8 is slowest). | slowMotionViz number |
Full screen mode. | fullscreen on/off |
Display frame rate at top of the screen. | fps |
Quit the game. | quit |
Enable llamas. | enablellamas on/off |
Download Game The Sims 3 Cheat Untuk Android Free
Tip: Death Flower Bush
Death Flower Bush enables you to delay your death when Grim Reaper visits you. All you got to do is go to the Pleasant Rest Graveyard and find this plant there. You can keep it in your inventory when you find it for later use. Since it can be used only once, make sure you keep it with you for as long as you can. In the same place where you found it, you will see Special seeds that can be planted at Level 7 for new plant growth. That is the stage where the sim comes equipped with gardening skills.
Tip: Lots of Money
You can try and earn a lot of money by honing your writing skills. This way you will earn royalty from your books if you do write novels. When Sim finishes a book, it receives money for many days afterwards. You can earn around 40000 Simoleons weekly in this way.
Tip: Clean Dishes
You can skip washing your dishes by going to the inventory and selling them. Doing this would not fetch you money. However, you will at least do away with the dishes.
Tip: Baby Gender
When you have a Sim that is pregnant, you can decide the baby’s gender too – with a diet of watermelons, you will get a girl; with apples’ diet, you will have a baby boy. The number of fruits will tell you the number of babies you will get.
Tip: Music and Friends
You need to purchase a guitar in order to be the cool guy. We have heard this before, haven’t we? “play for tips” in order to make friends and form crowds in the park where you will be singing. As and when your skill grows, you will befriend People.
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